Hello I'm Deepen

Software Engineer Full-stack Engineer Backend Engineer Frontend Engineer

About Me

A student with a curious and collaborative personality, obsessed with building user-friendly, real-world, and high-quality softwares.
Currently pursuing Master's degree in Software Engineering.


Work Experience

“People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.”

- Dale Carnegie

Feb 2021 - Present

@ ScoreMore LLC., Chicago, Illinois

Full-Stack Software Engineering Intern

• Working on a SaaS application (Serverless architecture using AWS Lambda) to create a user-friendly software accessible by anyone.

• Collaborating with the team to discuss new user-focused features to implement and participating in agile development process.

• Creating and testing UI elements for the admin side with React, Redux, GraphQL, and other open-source JavaScript libraries.

June 2019 - Nov 2019

@ Pratham Notebook, Ahmedabad, India

Software Developer Intern

• Improved sales by 15% by designing database (MySQL) to keep track of sales that allowed for more efficient analysis.

• Implemented backend REST APIs in Node.js to gain high performance and handle concurrent connections.

• Developed intuitive and responsive UI interfaces with reusable components and scalable framework (React.js).

• Developed management systems and brand website in conjunction with product and design team for a Consumer goods startup.


“Talent, you have naturally. Skill is only developed by hours and hours and hours of beating on your craft.” - Will Smith


"The future depends on what you do today." - Mahatma Gandhi.


