“People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.”
- Dale Carnegie
• Working on a SaaS application (Serverless architecture using AWS Lambda) to create a user-friendly software accessible by anyone.
• Collaborating with the team to discuss new user-focused features to implement and participating in agile development process.
• Creating and testing UI elements for the admin side with React, Redux, GraphQL, and other open-source JavaScript libraries.
• Improved sales by 15% by designing database (MySQL) to keep track of sales that allowed for more efficient analysis.
• Implemented backend REST APIs in Node.js to gain high performance and handle concurrent connections.
• Developed intuitive and responsive UI interfaces with reusable components and scalable framework (React.js).
• Developed management systems and brand website in conjunction with product and design team for a Consumer goods startup.
“Talent, you have naturally. Skill is only developed by hours and hours and hours of beating on your craft.” - Will Smith
"The future depends on what you do today." - Mahatma Gandhi.
(MERN Stack, Redux, Apache Kafka, MySQL, Redis, Passport.js, JWT token)
(Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform, Google Cloud, Travis CI, PostgreSQL, Git)
(Java, Spring, React.js, MySQL, Aspect oriented programming, Docker, Jenkins)
(Python, Django, JavaScript, React.js, SQLite, Object oriented programming, Spotify APIs)
(NumPy, pandas, Matplotlib/Seaborn, sklearn, Machine learning algorithms, nltk)
(Python, YOLOv3, OpenCV, Flask, HTML, CSS)
(Java, Spring boot, Aspect oriented programming, Data structures and Algorithms)
(Java, JUnit)